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Runner -- A Desktop Alternative
Other Programs
Mini-Run, Regions, Rpicname and Rconvert
Copyright (C) 1991 by Dave Thorson
Version 1.50 March 10, 1991
This file describes Runner's companion programs and other
support programs distributed with Runner or available when
registering Runner.
$$ Mini-Run
Mini-Run is available only by registering Runner for $10 or
more (see OVERVIEW.HLP). Mini-Run is a companion program
callable only from within Runner. It is used to free more
memory for larger programs. It works like this:
1. Runner determines which program to run
2. Runner tells GEM to call Mini-Run, and puts information about
the program you wanted to run where Mini-Run can find it.
3. Runner exits from memory, and GEM loads Mini-Run
4. Mini-Run grabs the information Runner set up, the loads the
program you requested based on this information.
5. Your program starts, you do what you need, and exit it.
6. Mini-Run resumes control and if you requested Hold Screen, it
waits for a keypress or mouse click.
7. Mini-Run tells GEM to load Runner and exits.
8. Runner restarts.
Of course there's more detail than that, but this sequence
should give you a feel for what's going on. It's all
transparent to you as a user unless the information passed to
Mini-Run gets to be too long (Runner will warn you of this and
let you change the command line). Mini-Run takes about an extra
second to load on a hard drive, and then Runner must reload
after Mini-Run exits, so there is some inconvenience. But,
Mini-Run takes about 29K of memory where runner needs nearly
100K more than that if a background picture is loaded.
Mini-Run MUST be copied to Runner's home directory. That's all
there is to installing it. For floppy disk users, it might work
best to put Mini-Run on each disk with a program that needs it,
in a RUNNER directory. See SETUP.HLP for more information.
Mini-Run can be called in several ways:
1. Press ESC. The words "MINI-RUN" appear in Runner's upper
right corner, replacing the time/date display if it's on.
The next program run will be run via Mini-Run, and the MINI-
RUN indicator will be turned off. Press Esc a second time to
turn it off before then, if needed.
2. From the file selector, hold down Alternate or Control when
you select a program to run. Note: if you select a data file
that should trigger an installed application, holding down
Alternate or Control will simply bypass the application and
send the file to File View instead. Moral: You can't cause
Mini-Run to be used for an installed application by using
Alternate or Control keys.
3. Within the Add/Change Dialog Box (you see this whenever you
add or change a program) you can left-click on "Use Mini-Run"
and then, whenever that program is run from Runner, Mini-Run
will be used. You can do this for programs, installed
applications, or data/document files that trigger installed
If Runner senses that Mini-Run is requested by ANY of the above,
Mini-Run will be used. For example, if even though Spectrum 512
does not have the "Use Mini-Run" flag set in the Add/Change
Dialog Box, if you press Esc before selecting it from a menu
then Spectrum 512 will be loaded using Mini-Run.
If you hold down Alternate or Control when exiting an
application run via Mini-Run, then Mini-Run will return control
to the desktop instead of Runner (if you want to go from Mini-
Run back to Runner but want to supress the loading of a
background picture, be sure to hold down Alternate or Control
AFTER Runner begins loading). Also, if a program is run
with Hold Screen enabled, you can exit directly to the desktop
by pressing Esc instead of a mouse click or other key.
One design decision made for Mini-Run will cause a problem if
you try to enter parameters for a program with characters above
ASCII 224. These will be remapped into the lower-case character
range. Someone please let me know if this is a problem, but I
can't imagine a program expecting characters in that range, far
above the range of normally printable characters! As a result
of this, you can now pass lower case characters, intact, in your
prarmeter strings (also known as command lines).
$$ Regions
This program is sent to all who register Runner for $10 or more
(see OVERVIEW.HLP). Regions is callable only from Runner, and
only when a background picture is loaded. There is a lot of on-
line help within Regions, so only the basics and obscure stuff
are covered here. Press Y to call Regions. REGIONS.TTP will be
loaded from Runner's home directory (where Runner first found
RUNNER.CFG or else the root directory of the drive Runner was
loaded from -- see SETUP.HLP). Once the program is loaded,
information from Runner is passed through memory to Regions.
Regions has its own GEM menu bar.
For help in Regions, press the Help key before selecting
anything in the pull-down menus. Press it again to turn off
help. Help is also turned off any time you select an item from
a Regions menu.
Regions displays the current background picture and lets you add
or change up to 32 active screen regions for that picture. When
you exit Regions (using the Save & Quit option), all changes are
updated in Runner's memory and Regions exits. No disk access at
all (nice, eh?) and your changes are all active within Runner,
until you exit Runner or load in another picture. To make your
changes more permanent, you must save them in a picture
configuration file. Use Runner's pull-down menu option File,
Save Config to save both picture and Runner config files, or
hold down Alt when you select it to save ONLY the picture config
file. (You can also press S or Alt-S, respectively). See
SETUP.HLP for information on picture configuration files.
Since screen region information is saved in a picture
configuration file, you can have different screen regions for
each picture. The idea is that you could create a background
picture with "pseudo icons", pieces of a picture that act as
icons but are really just pixels in the picture. You might have
different disk drive icons, one for exiting Runner, one or more
for your favorite programs. You can turn off Runner's menus and
use nothing but screen regions to control Runner, if you prefer.
You could dress up your game disks by showing a picture of each
game that would be clicked on to start the game, or create a
custom desktop with your own icon shapes to control your Atari
system. Of course these are not "real" icons; you cannot drag
them around on the desktop. To change them, you must change
your picture in a paint program, then update where the screen
regions are defined to match the new picture, using the Regions
program. More complex than dragging an icon on the desktop, but
perhaps more fun and gratifying as well.
$$ Screen regions are created using the Add option. You can define
and adjust a rectangular region anywhere on the screen. Then
you need to assign a function to the region. Five types of
functions are currently available:
1. Menu Bar functions or those available from Runner's GEM menu
bar. About, Save, Load, Install, Add, Drop, colors, and so
on can be assigned to a spot on the screen.
2. File Selector functions provide control of the file selector,
just like the Space bar and numeric keys. Display a file
selector for the last drive you visited, or start at the root
directory of any active drive.
3. QuickKeys can assigned to any region, so that anything a
QuickKey can do (run a program, display a menu, show a text
file, etc.) can be done from a screen region as well.
4. Load Picture functions let you pick a picture file name using
a file selector, and assign it to a shifted number key. It
is also assigned to a screen region. Even if the region is
later dropped, the name can remain assigned to the shifted
number key.
5. Miscellaneous functions cover most of the remaining keyboard-
only types of Runner commands, such as changing date format,
exit via Undo key, menus on/off, Help, and so on....
A Change option lets you alter anything about a region,
including its priority. If one or more regions or menus
overlap, the one with the highest priority will be selected.
Runner's menus have highest priority, then screen regions.
Think of the regions as being on a list; those first in the list
have a higher priority than those at the end. A region may be
moved to first or last place, moving other regions down or up as
needed. It's possible to have a region completely surrounded by
another; as long as it has a higher priority it can still be
Regions also has the capability to save the current palette into
a selected picture file. Ideally, you should only save the
palette to the file whose picture is displayed! This option
lets you take a palette changed within Runner, and update a
picture file so it will have the same palette. Normally, Runner
only saves altered palette information in picture configuration
$$ One other point should be made about the Regions program: it
offers a lockout feature for Runner. This is intended for use
in making demos or custom applications where you don't the user
to have access to anything else. When lockout is selected,
Runner's GEM menu bar goes away; selecting Exit Runner does
nothing; the keyboard is ignored (mostly -- see below); the
QuickKeys menu cannot be displayed; and anything else with
potential danger is disabled. Lockout takes effect only AFTER
changes have been saved from Regions to Runner, and from Runner
to a picture config file, and that picture is loaded into
Runner. Otherwise you would be unable to save changes from
Runner! Turning lockout OFF in Regions takes place immediately
on return to Runner. One problem: how do you get to Regions to
disable lockout if the keys (including the Y key which starts
Regions) are disabled? A not-too-elegant solution: Runner
watches for a sequence of keystrokes, namely Esc-y-Esc (three
keys, no hyphens, and no shift on the y). This is hard to hit
at random and not too hard to remember. You can prevent use of
Regions for sure by simply removing it from Runner's home
directory when it's not needed.
Since lockout removes the GEM menu bar and Runner's menus, you
can create a nice looking custom desktop. The menu bar area is
not available for screen regions but you can put anything else
in your picture up there. Even a Macintosh logo (now wait a
minute, let's not get carried away here). All functions in
Runner should be available through screen regions, including
displaying sub menus and calling the file selector, but you can
pick and choose the ones you need. If something's not there,
let me know!
I can see uses for locked pictures in disk menus, tutorials
where selecting an item on the screen displays a text file
describing it, starts a program to animate it, or branches to
another picture with all different regions to show more (or
different) levels of detail. You could simulate a large-than-
screen-size picture by setting up regions at the edges and
corners which load a new picture of the view in that direction.
You could even program a simple (or complex) 3-D maze, or a
walk-through of a house plan showing the view from any
direction. Some of this is limited only by disk space for all
the pictures, but you could always change disks before moving to
a new picture. Just be sure the picture's config file
accompanies the picture. And if you need a different set of
Runner menus, create what you need and name it after the picture
file (if STUFF.PI1 is the picture, then STUFF.CF1 is its config
file and STUFF.CFG will be loaded as Runner's config file if
it's in Runner's home directory). Have fun with it!
$$ An example picture file deomnstrating the use of Regions
is included for both low and high resolution. Use Background
from Runner's File menu to load REGIONS1.PC1 or REGIONS1.PC3 and
the corresponding REGIONS1.CF1 or .CF3 file will load with it.
Without the Regions program you cannot change anything, but you
can click on the various "icons" to see what they do. The
Runner key equivalent letter for each icon is shown next to it.
If you have the Regions program you can call Regions to edit the
functions or locations of regions in this file, using the
REGIONS1 picture as a training ground.
$$ Rconvert
This program is provided as an aid to prior users of Runner. It
converts Runner configuration files (not picture configuration
files) from older formats to the newest one. All information
from older config files can be translated, except for installed
application information. Rconvert will, if you select the
appropriate dialog box choices, send a list of all your
installed applications to a disk file with a name similar to
your config file's name. Use this list to help you set up your
applications in the new version of Runner (sorry, but the new
approach to installing applications is just no longer compatible
with the older information, and the potential for inconsistent
results through an automated translation is just too high).
Rconvert is easy to use, and it need not be any particular
directory. Run it by double clicking on RCONVERT.PRG. You can
then remove the disk with RCONVERT.PRG on it and insert any
others with .CFG files that need updating. Follow the prompts;
it's easy to use and quick! You should be able to convert all
your old .CFG files in a matter of minutes, and then you won't
need RCONVERT.PRG any more....
$$ Rpicname
RPICNAME.PRG is a program that lets you quickly change default
(startup) picture files for Runner. Runner now looks at the
size of picture files, and if a file is less than 100 bytes (or
was it 128?) then it assume the picture file contains a filename
for another picture file instead of picture data. Runner also
looks for RUNNER.PI1, RUNNER.PI2 and RUNNER.PI3 (or the .PCx
equivalents for compressed pictures) at startup to use as
autoloading picture files. Rpicname ties these two concepts
Run Rpicname by double clicking on RPICNAME.PRG (you can also
put this one into a Runner menu, if you like). Once it's loaded
you can take out that disk and put in another if you need to.
Rpicname displays a file selector. Simply click on any picture
file you want to use at startup, and Rpicname will put its
filename and path into RUNNER.PIx for you (x is 1, 2 or 3, and
is taken from the file extension of the picture file you
select). You can select files for any resolution in the same
session. If you did not select picture files from Runner's home
directory, be sure to copy the resulting RUNNER.PIx file(s) into
the home directory. And be careful not to copy a name file over
a real picture file (check the file sizes). Rpicname works best
if all the pictures you select from are in Runner's home
Rpicname assumes you want to use RUNNER.PIx for holding picture
filenames instead of pictures. If it tries to update a
RUNNER.PIx file and finds it longer than 128 (or was it 100?)
bytes, it will warn you and stop the update. This way you
cannot lose any picture files.
If you only use one picture for each resolution and never plan
to change, then you won't need Rpicname. Otherwise it can be a
very handy way to change the pictures you see on startup without
a lot of renaming and copying of picture files.
[end of OTHERS.HLP]